Old Narrabundah Community Council Inc.



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  • Safety Alert – EUPHORBIA PLANTS

    28 August, 2023Safety Alert - EUPHORBIA PLANTS
    Euphorbia (commonly known as Spurges and Milkweed) are common garden plants that are becoming more frequent on roadsides, reserves, and other open space areas in the ACT. Its milky sap can produce extremely painful inflammation. Exposure to recently cut plants can also cause breathing difficulties.
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    28 August, 2023WEED ALERT – Italian ARUM LILY
    This invasive weed plant has been located in growing numbers around our neighbourhood. Given the right conditions, the plant spreads rapidly and can be difficult to remove (so best start early and often if you spot it in your garden.) The plant can be dug out all year round but be careful to remove all ...
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