Old Narrabundah Community Council Inc.

About ONCC

Who We Are

Established in 1999 the Old Narrabundah Community Council represents the interests of residents of the old Narrabundah area (loosely bordered by Sturt Ave, Matina/Goyder Streets and Canberra Ave).

The word ‘Narrabundah’ is a local indigenous reference, thought to be a small bird of prey (a hawk).

Are you new to the area? Or been here a while but want to know about the Old Narrabundah Community Council? Watch the following introductory video about old Narrabundah and the community council.


The Old Narrabundah Community Council is part of a broader group of community councils represented by the Inner South Combined Community Councils (ISCCC).

The ISCCC represents more broadly the interests of inner south residents.


Everyone is welcome to attend ONCC Inc. quarterly meetings on the second Monday at 7pm at the Tennis Hut on Kootara Crescent Narrabundah. Meetings generally last about an hour and you find out what is happening in Narrabundah.

2024 Meeting dates:

  • 12 Feb
  • 13 May
  • 12 Aug
  • 11 Nov (AGM)

Committee – Join – Contact

Chair:  Andy Botham
Vice President:  Beatrice Bodart-Bailey
email : info@narrabundah.org.au

OR use our on-line contact form.

For information on joining please email us here.

Click to read our constitution

Join Our Email List

You can include your email address on our mailing list by completing the following form:


* indicates required

Our Purpose

The purpose of the association is to serve the residents of Old Narrabundah, in particular to foster harmony and well being; by

(1) Providing a forum for residents to raise issues of concerns

(2) Providing access to information of interest to residents

(3) Representing and lobbying the ACT Government and related agencies on issues of concern to Old Narrabundah residents; particularly in relation to planning and usage of community assets.

(4) Coordinating activities and projects as required

Latest Minutes

[pdf-embedder url=”https://narrabundah.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Minutes-ONCC-AGM-Meeting-13-Nov-2023-FINAL.pdf” title=”Minutes ONCC AGM Meeting – 13 Nov 2023 (FINAL)”]