ACT Govt Land Release Program 2014

ACT Govt Land Release Program 2014

Jerrabomberra Ave Vacant Blocks

Sound Monitoring of Vacant Block next to Harmonie German Club

Sound Monitoring of HGC 2015

Shane Rattenbury talks to club members June 2015

Shane Rattenbury Greens MLA meets members of HGC June 2015

Notice of Petition

Record of ONCC Inc Meeting 4 Aug 2014

Govt Consultant

ONCC mtg 4 Aug 14


Minutes Public Meeting 4th August 2014 Jerra vacant blocks

ACT Govt Live Music Advice


ACT Facility Needs Assessment Report 2003

ACT Community Facility Needs Assessment -2003

ACT Govt Aerial Maps at Public Meeting

Jerrabomberra ave 1

Jerrabomberra ave 2

Jerrabomberra ave 3

Jerrabomberra ave 4

Proposed RZ3 Zone & Multi-unit Development Code

RZ3 Zone Objectives

MUH Dev Code

See appendix 1 for boundary setbacks for RZ3, page 50 of MUHDC

Current Planing Laws & Zone CZ6 relating to the 2 blocks


Narrabundah Precinct Map Code

Public Meeting Flyers

Old Narrabundah flier FINAL

ONCC Meeting 4 8 14 Flyer

Gowrie Court & Stuart Flats Pre-consultation

Drop in Session report Narrabundah Griffith FINAL

Gowrie court pre consultation 1

Gowrie court pre consultation 2

Gowrie court pre consultation 3

Gowrie court pre consultation 4

140728 Stuart Flats Public Consultation Presentation

Housing consultation flyer – Griffith Narrabundah FINAL

Plans to introduce Omnibus Development application revealed at ISCCC

Notes on Omnibus Draft Variation Meeting 8 July 2014


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