Concessional Lease Issues

Concessional Lease Issues

The development of the Hungarian Club in Narrabundah gave rise to a review of Concessional Leases in the ACT.  The transparency & secrecy surrounding the development of land granted to non-profit community organizations was a concern. The objections of residents has been overruled by the Planning Minister by his definition of the public interest.

Presentation at PDF June 2014

PDF June 2014- Concessional Leases


Issues with Privatisation of Community Leases

2010 Amendments

Stakeholders are the Property Council & the Law Society. How dare a member of the public try to have a say. I never got a reply from Gallagher

Concessional Leases – ACT Hansard – July 2010

Amendments to Planning & Development ACT – July 2010 Concessional Leases

Minister Barr's Response to Suggested Amdt

Social Impact Assessment Reports


SIA Braddon Club

Brumbies Social_Impact_Statement-01

Govt Response to Review


KLA Report on Concessional Leases

Concessional Lease Review KLA Final Report

KLa – FinalReport-AppendixA

Submissions on Concessional Lease Review

Concessional Lease Review – Submissions

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